Sharing skills for a sustainable future.

Strategic marketing training to re-establish a heritage charity at the heart of the community.


Age UK Norfolk is part of a national network of charities supporting the over 50’s community. Although the charity had developed a long and rich history over the last 75 years, a new, more strategic approach to the future development of the service and how the charity generates income was needed to secure its place in society for another 75 years to come.


In order to set the charity up for success for the future, we undertook a series of training workshops with the Marketing & Fundraising and Operations teams, teaching an audience first strategic marketing process that would define the brand and audiences and allow the team to create tailored and targeted communication plans unaided each year.

Laptop computer showing a strategy exercise.


Together we created the new foundation of the brand. Our refreshed vision, mission, purpose and tagline realigned the external facing ambitions of the charity with the new strategic plan and direction. Communicating clearly and succinctly why the charity exists. And our personas give depth to the needs of the different audiences that interact with the charity on both an emotional and functional level. 

Group of older people dancing and having fun.

Then, taking the needs of our audiences, we worked together to create a proposition for an individual giving campaign to bring balance to the existing income streams. Our central idea that ‘life can be enjoyed when the world grows old together’ is designed to encourage people to rethink how they see later life and what a positive experience it can be. We mapped our communications across three key supporter audiences and to the three stages of the conversion journey. 

Three fundraising proposition examples for different audience groups.

Finally, we developed the tactical 12 month plan across assets and channels that allows the team to utilise both their marketing budget and their internal resources to maximise the reach and success of the campaign.

Nikki and Michelle totally ‘get’ the non profit sector and the support we need – giving us the tools, training and guidance to become much more sustainable in the future, which will in turn help support older people across Norfolk with vital services.


Built on the combined experience of our founders, Creativity Unbound brings over 30 years of knowledge from across different industries to support VCSE’s of all sizes.

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